Program Topic: National Forest Products Week

National Forest Products Week
Celebrating people and products October 20-26, 2024
National Forest Products Week is celebrated the third week in October every year. It’s a time to recognize the many products that come from our forests, the people who work in and manage our forest, the businesses that make the products and how each of these components contribute to our lives.
Most Idahoans appreciate that our forests are an essential part of the state’s history, environment and culture, but many people do not realize the economic contributions of our 21.5 million acres of trees.
Did you know the forest products industry contributed more than $2.8 BILLION to Idaho’s economy in 2023?
Perhaps the best thing about forest products is that they come from a renewable and sustainable resource. Wood products are recyclable, durable and energy efficient. And healthy, growing forests play a key role in absorbing carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen and storing carbon over time.
Idaho Forest Products Week celebrates “working forests” where trees are grown, harvested and re-grown for the future. Working forests work for Idaho.
Idaho Students Can Win Prizes Participating in Forest Products Week!
Check out our Student Writing Contest for Idaho K-12th graders.
Activities about forest products for learners all ages
Scavenger Hunt: Celebrate National Forest Products Week
A forest product is any item or material derived from forests for commercial use, such as paper and pencils to housing materials and furniture to bioenergy and packaging materials. Forests provide both physical products and benefits that we rely on every day, including clean water, clean air, and improved human well-being.
Explore forest products with this Scavenger Hunt and Match-Up Activity, made possible by PLT/SFI and the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region. Don’t forget to download the corresponding Answer Key.
Project Learning Tree
Find excellent resources from Project Learning Tree to share with the learners in your life or classroom. Click on the links below.
Learn More About Forest Products
Forest Fact Break Video: Wood Products
Making of Tissue Products in Idaho Video
Making Paperboard in Idaho Video
Making Pulp from Trees in Idaho Video
Forest Fast Break Video: Green Building Materials
Amazing Stuff From Trees, Educational Links and Fun Stuff
Word Search Puzzles – Elementary and Secondary
The Forest Products Lab by Into the Outdoors (lessons for K-12)
How Healthy Markets Sustain Forests by Into the Outdoors (lessons for grades 3-12)
From the Woods: Incredible Wood
Fun with Paper and Forest Products
Extensive list of products made from wood
Wood Products: Everywhere for Everyone
Non-Wood Forest Products from Temperate Broad-Leaved Trees
Products from Trees Infographic
Forest supply chain video and wood supply chain schematic
Idaho Wood Products Directory of Businesses
Celebrate Idaho’s Forests with an Idaho Forest T-Shirt
Why should we use Wood?
Learn more about wood at “WoodWorks” from the Wood Products Council
“Wood is Good” – Video animation from the Danish Wood Initiative
“Wood – Nature’s Stroke of Genius” – Video animation from the Danish Wood Initiative
Architect Michael Green Ted Talk “Why Build with Wood?”
Architect Michael Green Video “Why we should build wooden skyscrapers?”
Architect Michael Green – IdeaCity Video “Designing Tall Buildings Made of Wood”
National Forest Products Week was created in 1960 with a proclamation brought forth from Congress and approved by President Kennedy. Language in the proclamation cited the importance of forest products starting with the founding of the country, through its ever-demanding growth cycles. A key sentence from that first resolution states:
“WHEREAS, in order to reemphasize to each citizen in the United
States the importance and heritage of our vast forest resources
which are inseparably tied to our present and our future.”
From building materials and paper products to furniture and bio-energy, wood has a central tie to our daily lives. Today, decades after it was launched, National Forest Products Week celebrates one of our nation’s best resources and the people that transform trees into countless products that make our lives better.
In his 2015 proclamation, President Obama declared:
“The natural resources and materials provided by forests are essential to our way of life. From timber to biofuels, forests can provide sustainable sources of important goods, and America will continue to benefit from their strength and vitality. Healthy forests lead to a strong economy, a clean environment, and a sustainable future for all our people. During National Forest Products Week, let us rededicate ourselves to preserving them and pledge to always remember the irreplaceable role they play in our lives.”
Please join us in saluting Idaho’s forests and the hard-working people that grow trees and manufacture the wood and paper products that touch our lives every day. From tissue and lumber to plywood and wood pellets, Idaho’s forests provide good jobs and quality products that support the growth of our state and our nation. Best of all, Idaho forests are growing every day!
National Forest Products Week Legislation
PUBLIC LAW 86-753; 74 STAT.898
[S. J. RES. 209]
Joint resolution providing for the establishment of an annual National Forest Products Week.
WHEREAS our country and its people have always found constant strength, individual peace and personal pride in the bounty of our forest and timber land; and
WHEREAS from the beginning of our Nation’s founding, the forest and its products have provided a core of living and freedom touching and inspiring each citizen with majestic beauty and practical use; and
WHEREAS as our only renewable resource, wood offers the availability and abundance to satisfy the Nation’s ever growing demands and through modern forestry we can be assured of a continuous supply of timber for the future; and
WHEREAS the first settlers gained foothold in the new world and carved for themselves and their descendants a free nation and built homes, schools and churches using the forests as an ever plentiful source of material; and
WHEREAS this early building is now multiplied a thousand fold in these great United States and the importance of our forest lands has developed with equal vigor through wise management constant replanting and growth of this vital resource, and today our forests provide thousands of products – lumber, paper, building materials, chemicals, furniture and cloth – all dedicated to improving the lives of our people; and
WHEREAS in order to reemphasize to each citizen in the United States the importance and heritage of our vast forest resources which are inseparably tied to our present and our future: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That:
The seven-day period beginning on the third Sunday of October in each year is hereby designated as National Forest Products Week, and the President is requested to issue annually a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such week with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
Approved September 13, 1960.