6th – 8th Learning Materials
Learn and teach about the benefits of trees, ecosystem services, effects of human activities, forest ownership, forest management issues, wood and paper products, energy, sustainability, careers

- Explore our workshops and sign up for our outstanding professional development opportunities
- Find free resources, student contests and more opportunities to learn and teach about Idaho forests and the natural environment
- Encourage participation in the annual Student Essay Contest for K-12 celebrating National Forest Products Week
- Encourage students to enter the annual Arbor Day Student Photo Contest for 5th-12th graders and take photos all year long

Tree Value Activity (PLT Teaching with I-Tree)
Teaching Sustainability: 8 Middle School Activities
Watch videos about forest health
Profiles of Idaho People with Forest-Related Jobs
Watch the video This is My Office (careers)
Watch the Forest Fast Break on Green Building
Watch this Forest Fast Break Video on Reforestation

Are Idaho Forests Renewable and Sustainable?
Why Are Some Forest Fires So Intense?
Are Forests, Carbon and Climate Change Related?
How Can we Get Green Power From Overcrowded Forests?
Request Look to the Forest/How Trees Work: Blueprint of a miracle 2-sided poster
How Do Forests Affect Our Drinking Water?
Find Your Path (forest careers)
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