21.5 million acres of forest land
16.5 million acres are productive timberlands
What’s the difference between forest lands and timberlands?
- Forest land is defined as land that is 10 percent forested by trees of any size. This includes land that may have been naturally or artificially regenerated.
- Timberland is forest land that is available to harvest and capable of productivity over a long period of time. These are Idaho’s working forests that provide the wood and paper products we all use.

What Are the Percentages of Ownership: Forest lands?
There are 21.5 million acres of forest lands in Idaho. The chart below highlights the percentage of forest land owned by private owners, the State of Idaho, the Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service.

What Are the Percentages of Ownership: Timberlands?
Of the 21.5 million acres of forest lands, 16.5 million acres are productive timberlands. The chart below highlights, by percentage, who owns the 16.5 million acres of timberlands in Idaho.

FOREST FACT: Timberland is forest land that can produce 20 cubic feet of wood per acre, per year where timber harvest is allowed.