To encourage, recognize and support the creative and innovative use of wood in architectural design, the Idaho Forest Products Commission has partnered with the University of Idaho School of Art and Architecture and the Idaho Chapter of American Institute of Architects (AIA) with an overall goal of establishing annual awards and events that recognize excellence in architectural design using Idaho wood to both professional Idaho architects and University of Idaho architecture students. The contests aim identify the best use of Idaho wood in an architectural design that demonstrates a creative solution and knowledgeable application.
The IFPC Best Use of Wood Competition encourages, recognizes and supports the creative and innovative use of Idaho wood in architectural design:
Provide hands-on opportunities to learn about Idaho forests, sustainable forest management, wood products and manufacturing.
Foster learning experiences about the structural, energy efficiency (life cycle analysis) and environmental benefits of wood.
Recognize excellence in architectural design using Idaho wood to both professional Idaho architects and University of Idaho architecture students.